Replication Server maintains replicated data in
multiple databases while ensuring the integrity and consistency of the data. It
provides clients using databases in the replication system with local data
access, thereby reducing load on the network and centralized computer systems.
The Replication Command Language (RCL) enables
you to customize replication functions and to monitor and maintain the
replication system. For example, you can request subsets of data for
replication at the table, data row, or column level. This feature further
reduces overhead by allowing you to replicate only the data that is needed at
the replicate site.
Replication Server supports heterogeneous data
servers. You can build a replication system from existing databases and
applications without having to convert them. As your enterprise grows and
changes, you can add data servers to your replication system to meet your
Replication Server uses a basic
publish-and-subscribe model for replicating data across networks. Users
"publish" data that is available in a primary database, and other
users "subscribe" to the data for delivery in a replicate database.
Users can replicate both changes to the data (update/insert/delete operations)
and stored procedures using this method.
Instructions to publish and subscribe to data are
given at Replication Servers that control, or have a connection to, each
database. The user creates a replication definition at a primary Replication
Server, which controls the primary database containing the data to be
published. The replication definition specifies information such as which
columns are to be replicated, or in the case of a database replication
definition, of the database objects to be replicated. The user creates a
subscription at a replicate Replication Server, which controls the replicate
database that will receive the information.
Replication Servers communicate with each other
via user-defined routes. Most commonly, a primary Replication Server
sends data to a replicate Replication Server through one or more routes set up
to transmit data from the primary database to the replicate database. Users may
also transmit stored procedures from the replicate to the primary to request
updates of the primary data; in this case, data flows through one or more
routes from the replicate Replication Server to the primary Replication Server.
Connections and routes define the structure of
the replication system. They allow Replication Servers to send messages to each
other and to send commands to databases. A connection transfers messages from a
Replication Server to a database. A route transfers requests from a source
Replication Server to a destination Replication Server.
RepServer Diagnostic tools
Diagnostic tools retrieve the status and statistics of Replication Server
components which, depending on the type of problem, you can use to analyze the
replication system. Check the troubleshooting section of the problem category
for detailed information. This section summarizes the available diagnostic
isql to log in to a Replication Server or
data server to see if servers are up. You can also use isql to execute
SQL commands to see if data is the same in the primary and replicate databases,
or if data has been materialized or dematerialized.
admin who_is_down to find out which
Replication Server threads are down.
admin who, sqm to display information,
such as the number of duplicate transactions or the size of stable queues,
about stable queues at a Replication Server.
admin who,sqt to display information,
such as the number of open transactions, about stable queues at a Replication
admin statistics,md to display
information, such as the number of messages delivered, about messages delivered
by a Replication Server.
sp_config_rep_agent to display the
current RepAgent configuration settings.
sp_help_rep_agent to display static and
dynamic information about a RepAgent thread.
sysadmin dump_queue to dump stable queues
and view them.
rs_helproute to display the status of
routes at a Replication Server.
rs_subcmp to compare a subscription's
tables in the primary and replicate databases to make sure the tables are the
check subscription to display the status
of subscriptions at a Replication Server.
rs_helppub to display publications.
rs_helppubsub to display publication
sp_setrepcol to check the replication
status of text or image columns.
Typically, client applications update the active database while Replication Server maintains the other database as a standby copy of the active database. If the active database fails, or if you need to perform maintenance on the active data server or database, you can switch to the standby database (and back) with little interruption of client applications.
In a warm standby application, you create three connections:
A logical connection that Replication Server
maps to the currently active database
A physical connection for the active database
A physical connection for the standby database
The logical database in a warm standby application may, with respect to other databases in the replication system, function as one of the following:
A database that does not participate in
A primary database
A replicate database
The procedure in this section demonstrates how to set up a warm standby system for a database that acts as a primary database in a replication system.
The below diagram illustrates a warm standby application operating on the BOSTON_DS data server for a pubs2 database on the NY_DS data server. The database is replicated to TOKYO_DS.
In this scenario the pubs2 database acts as a primary database in a replication environment. The primary pubs2 database for which a standby is created is called the active database.

Setting up a warm standby application
The following procedure is used to set up a warm standby application for an
active database. In this procedure, an active database is already established.
The procedure will be somewhat different if the active database has not yet
been created. Make sure you review the warm standby information in the Replication
Server Administration Guide before proceeding.You must use Adaptive Server or SQL Server databases for this procedure.
In the active database:
1. Mark
the entire active database for replication to the standby database with the sp_reptostandby
stored procedure.
sp_reptostandby enables replication of data
manipulation language (DML) and supported data definition language (DDL)
commands and stored procedures. Refer to Chapter 15, "Managing Warm
Standby Applications," in the Replication Server Administration Guide
for detailed information.
2. Reconfigure
RepAgent using the sp_config_rep_agent stored procedure with the send_warm_standby_xacts
option. Restart RepAgent.
3. Grant
replication_role to the active database maintenance user.
4. On
the active data server, add the maintenance user of the standby database to the
active database, and grant replication_role to the new maintenance user.
This step ensures that the maintenance user ID exists in the standby database
after the database is loaded (step 8).
5. Log
in to the Replication Server that is to manage the warm standby database, and
create a logical connection for the active database, using the create
logical connection command. The name of the logical connection must be the
same as the name of the active database.
If you create the logical connection before
you create the active database connection, use different names for the logical
connection and the active database.
6. On
the standby data server, create the standby database with the same size as the
active database.
7. Use
Sybase Central or rs_init to create the standby database connection. For
more information, see the Replication Server online help and the Replication
Server installation and configuration guide for your platform.
After the connection is created, log in to Replication
Server and use the admin logical_status command to make sure that the
new connection is "active."
8. Initialize
the standby database using dump and load without the rs_init
"dump marker" option. (Or you can use bcp. Refer to the Replication
Server Administration Guide for more information.)
1. On
the Replication Server, suspend the active database connection.
If you cannot suspend the active database, use dump
and load with the rs_init "dump marker" option.
2. On
the active Adaptive Server, dump the active database.
3. Load
the active database dump into the standby database.
4. On
the standby Adaptive Server, put the standby database online.
9. On
the Replication Server, resume connections to the active and standby databases,
using the resume connection command.
Check the logical status, using the admin
logical_status command. Do not continue unless both active and standby
databases are marked "active."
10. Verify that
modifications occur from active to standby database.
Using isql, update a record in the
active database and then verify the update in the standby database.
Switching to the standby database
If it becomes necessary to switch from the active database to the standby
database, you need to take steps to prevent client applications from executing
transactions against or updating the active database. After the switch is
complete, clients can connect to the new active database to continue their
work. See "Switching
clients to the new database" for details.Before switching to a standby database, you should determine whether a switch is necessary:
Don't switch if the active data server is
experiencing a transient failure. A transient failure is a failure from which
the Adaptive Server recovers when restarted, without additional recovery steps.
Do switch if the active database will be
unavailable for a long period of time.
You must use the switch active command to switch the active and
standby databases. The following procedure illustrates how to switch the warm
standby system illustrated in Figure 3-8 from
the active database to the standby database.
1. On
the Replication Server, use switch active to switch processing to the
standby database.
2. Monitor
progress of the switch. The switch is complete when the standby connection is
active and the previously active connection is suspended.
1. On
the Replication Server, check the logical status, using the admin
logical_status command.
2. To
follow the progress of the switch, check the last several entries in the
Replication Server error log.
3. Start
the RepAgent for the new active database.
4. Decide
what you want to do with the old active database. You can:
1. Bring
the database online as the new standby database, and resume connections so that
Replication Server can apply new transactions, or
2. Drop
the database connection using the drop connection command. You can add
it again later as the new standby database.
Using isql, update a record in the new
active database, and then check the update the new standby database.
Switching clients to the new
Switching from the active to the standby database does not switch client applications to the new active data server and database. You must devise a method to handle client switching. For example, you could:
Set up two interfaces files, one for client
applications and one for Replication Server. At switch time, modify the client
interfaces file to point to the new active server.
Create an interfaces file entry with a symbolic
data server name for use by client applications. At switch time, modify the
address information associated with the symbolic name.
Use a mechanism, such as an intermediate Open
Server, to map the client application data server connections to the currently
active data server automatically.
2. Standby
A warm standby application is a Replication Server application that
maintains a pair of Adaptive Server or SQL Server databases, one of which
functions as a standby copy of the other.Client applications generally update the active database, while Replication Server maintains the standby database as a copy of the active database. Replication Server keeps the standby database consistent with the active database by replicating transactions retrieved from the active database transaction log.
If the active database fails, or if you need to perform maintenance on the active database or data server, you can switch to the standby database so that client applications can resume work with little interruption.
Figure 2-4 illustrates a warm standby system.
Figure 2-4: A warm standby system
The two databases in a warm standby application appear as a single logical database in the replication system. Depending on your application, this logical database may not participate in replication, or it may be a primary database or a replicate database with respect to other databases in the replication system.
Basic primary copy model
The basic primary copy model allows you to replicate data from a primary
database to destination databases. This model is well suited to
decision-support applications, although low-volume transaction-processing
applications can update primary data remotely, either directly over the WAN or
through request functions (replicated stored procedures). Primary data that is
updated from remote sites can then be replicated back to subscribing sites.You can implement the basic primary copy model by using any or all of the following:
Table replication definitions
Applied functions
Request functions
This section provides basic examples for using table replication definitions
and applied functions. For examples of request functions and other, more
advanced uses of the primary copy model, see "Model variations and
Using table replication definitions
Using table replication definitions allows you to replicate data from a
primary source as read-only copies.You can create one or many replication definitions for a primary table although a particular replicate table can subscribe to only one of them. See "Multiple replication definitions" for an example using multiple replication definitions.
You also can collect replication definitions in a publication and subscribe to all of them at one time with a publication subscription. See "Publications" for an example using publications.
For each table you want to replicate according to the basic primary copy model, you need to:
Set up routes and connections between
Replication Servers.
Create the table you want to replicate in the
primary database.
Create the table (or tables) to which you want
to replicate in destination databases.
Create indexes and grant appropriate permissions
on the tables.
At the primary site:
Mark the primary table for replication using the
sp_setreptable system procedure.
Create one (or more) replication definitions for
the table at the primary Replication Server.
At the replicate sites:
Create subscriptions for the table replication
definitions at each replicate Replication Server.
See the Replication Server Administration Guide for details on
setting up the basic primary copy model.In Figure 3-1, a client application at the primary (Tokyo) site makes changes to the publishers table in the primary database. At the replicate (Sydney) site, the publishers table subscribes to the primary publishers table--for those rows where pub_id is equal to or greater than 1000.
Basic primary copy model using table
replication definitions
the table for replication
This script marks the publishers table for replication. -- Execute this script at Tokyo data server
-- Marks publishers for replication
sp_setreptable publishers, 'true'
/* end of script */
Replication definition
This script creates a table replication definition for the publishers
table at the primary Replication Server. -- Execute this script at Tokyo replication server
-- Creates replication definition pubs_rep
create replication definition pubs_rep
with primary at TOKYO_DS.pubs2
with all tables named 'publishers'
(pub_id char(4),
pub_name varchar(40)
city varchar(20)
state varchar(2)
primary key (pub_id)
/* end of script */
This script creates a subscription for the replication definition defined at
the primary Replication Server. -- Execute this script at Sydney replication server
-- Creates subscription pubs_sub
Create subscription pubs_sub
for pubs_rep
with replicate at SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
where pub_id >= 1000
/* end of script */
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