This procedure displays the information of devices.
Input Parameters:
- min_space – lists all the devices with the specified size of minimum free space on the device in MBs.
- dev_name - name of the device or devices matchs the pattern.
Usage Examples:
- sp__freedevice - displays the information of all the devices.
- sp__freedevice 100,’User_Data’ - displays all the devices like User_Data1, User_Data2 etc., with >= 100MB free space.
create procedure sp__deviceinfo @min_space int = null, @dev_name varchar(64) = null
declare @numpgsmb integer /* Number of 'virtual' Pages in MegaBytes */
select @numpgsmb = (1048576 / @@maxpagesize)
select "phyname"=convert(varchar(64), d.phyname),
"d_size"=convert(varchar(6),(1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb),
"d_used"=convert(varchar(6), sum(u.size / @numpgsmb)) ,
"d_free"=((1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb) - sum(u.size / @numpgsmb),
vdevno=d.low/power(2,24) & 255
into #device_tbl
from master..sysusages u, master..sysdevices d
where u.vstart between d.low and d.high
and d.status & 2 = 2
group by d.name
vdevno=low/power(2,24) & 255,
"Physical Name"=convert(varchar(40), d.phyname),
"Device Name"=convert(varchar(28),d.name),
"Size"=convert(varchar(6),(1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb),
"Free"=convert(varchar(6),(1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb)
from master..sysdevices d
where d.name not in (select tmp.name from # device _tbl tmp)
and d.status & 2 = 2
and ( @min_space is null or ((1 + d.high - d.low) / @numpgsmb) >= @min_space )
and ( @dev_name is null or d.phyname like @dev_name or d.name like @dev_name)
select vdevno , phyname , name , d_size , d_used , convert(varchar(6), d_free)
from # device_ tbl
where ( @min_space is null or d_free >= @min_space )
and ( @dev_name is null or phyname like @dev_name or name like @dev_name)
order by 1
sysdevices contains one row for each tape dump device, disk dump device, disk for databases, and disk partition for databases. There are four entries in sysdevices in the Adaptive Server distribution media: one for the master device (for databases), one for a disk dump device, and two for tape dump devices.
The columns for sysdevices are:
Name | Datatype | Description |
low | int | Not used for dump devices – block offset of virtual page in 2K bytes |
high | int | Block offset of last virtual page in 2K bytes |
status | smallint | Bitmap indicating type of device, default, and mirror status |
cntrltype | smallint | Controller type:
name | sysname | Logical name of dump device or database device |
phyname | varchar(127) | Name of physical device |
mirrorname | varchar(127) null | Name of mirror device |
vdevno | int | Device identification number |
crdate | datetime null | Date on which the device was added |
resizedate | datetime null | Date on which disk resize was most recently run for this device |
status2 | int | Additional status bits for this device |
Decimal | Hex | Status |
1 | 0x01 | Default disk |
2 | 0x02 | Physical disk |
4 | 0x04 | Not used – logical disk |
8 | 0x08 | Skip header |
16 | 0x10 | Dump device |
32 | 0x20 | Serial writes |
64 | 0x40 | Device mirrored |
128 | 0x80 | Reads mirrored |
256 | 0x100 | Secondary mirror side only |
512 | 0x200 | Mirror enabled |
1024 | 0x400 | Master device is mirrored |
2048 | 0x800 | Used internally – mirror disabled |
4096 | 0x1000 | Used internally – primary device must be unmirrored |
8192 | 0x2000 | Used internally – secondary device must be unmirrored |
16384 | 0x4000 | UNIX file device uses dsync setting (writes occur directly to physical media) |
sysusages contains one row for each disk allocation piece assigned to a database. Each database contains a specified number of database (logical) page numbers. The create database command checks sysdevices and sysusages to find available disk allocation pieces. One or more contiguous disk allocation pieces are assigned to the database, and the mapping is recorded in sysusages.
The columns for sysusages are:
Name | Datatype | Description |
dbid | smallint | Database ID |
segmap | int | Bitmap of possible segment assignments |
lstart | int | First database (logical) page number |
size | int | Number of contiguous database (logical) pages |
vstart | int | Starting virtual page number |
pad | smallint null | Unused |
unreservedpgs | int null | Free space not part of an allocated extent |
crdate | datetime null | Creation date |
vdevno | int | Device identification number |