
Thursday, 14 April 2016

Queries to get some important Sybase ASE Tables statistics..(Ver: 15.x/16.x)

To find the Top 100 tables RowCnt, Fragmentation, Space Utilization and Datachange% (in terms of #Rows)

select top 100  "Table"=left(name,32), "#Rows"=row_count(db_id(), id), "DataChanged%"=datachange(name, NULL, NULL), "Space_Utilization"=derived_stat(object_id(name),0, 'sput'), "Fragmentation"=derived_stat(object_id(name),0, 'dpcr') from sysobjects
where type='U'
order by 2 desc  

To Find all the indexes are not used in any Queries/Processes since last boot 
(This Query works only with MDA tables) :

select DatabaseName = convert(char(20), db_name()), TableName = convert(char(20), object_name(si.id, db_id())), IndexName = convert(char(20),si.name), IndexID = si.indid
from master..monOpenObjectActivity mo, sysindexes si
where mo.ObjectID =* si.id
and mo.IndexID =* si.indid
and (mo.UsedCount = 0 or mo.UsedCount is NULL)
and si.indid > 0
and si.id > 99 -- No system tables
order by 2, 4 asc

To find the Top 21 tables (in terms of #Indexes)

SELECT top 21 left(o.name,32), count(i.indid)
FROM sysobjects o, sysindexes i
where o.id = i.id
group by o.id
order by 2 desc

To find all the tables with LockScheme:

select DatabaseName = convert(char(20), db_name()), "TableName"=left(name, 32), row_count(db_id(),id) as "#Rows", 
"lock_scheme" = case when (sysstat2 & 57334) < 8193 then "All Pages" 
when (sysstat2 & 57334) = 163848193 then "Data Pages" 
else "Data Rows" end
from sysobjects where type='U' order by 2 desc

To find all the Tables and their Triggers and Status.

select convert(varchar(30), name) as TableName,
convert(varchar(30), isnull(object_name(instrig), '')) as InsertTriggerName,
case sysstat2 & 1048576 when 0 then 'enabled' else 'disabled' end as InsertTriggerStatus,
convert(varchar(30), isnull(object_name(updtrig), '')) as UpdateTriggerName,
case sysstat2 & 4194304  when 0 then 'enabled' else 'disabled' end as UpdateTriggerStatus,
convert(varchar(30), isnull(object_name(deltrig), '')) as DeleteTriggerName,
case sysstat2 & 2097152  when 0 then 'enabled' else 'disabled' end as DeleteTriggerStatus
from sysobjects where type='U' and (instrig<>0 or updtrig<>0 or deltrig<>0)
order by name

To find the HostName and Server Details 

select left(address_info,32) as "Server's Host Name & PortNumber"
      ,host_name() as "Client Host Name"
      ,@@servername as "ASE Server Name"
      ,net_type as "N/W Protocol"

from master..syslisteners


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