
Saturday, 16 July 2011

How to add license info to an ASE?

The best way to add license info of an ASE is specifying license info at the time of installation. If we need to add license info later point of time, we can use sp_lmconfig.

Configures license management-related information on Adaptive Server. The configuration options set by sp_lmconfig are stored in the sylapi properties file.

sp_lmconfig “edition”, edition_type,
               “license type”, license_type_name,
               “smtp host”, smtp_host_name,
               “smtp port”, smtp_port_number,
               “email sender”, sender_email_address,
               “email recipients”, email_recipients,
               “email severity”, email_severity


without parameters displays the following license status information:
·         License Name
·         Version
·         Quantity Status
·         Expiration Date
is a static configuration parameter to specify the license edition.
specifies the edition type, and has the following possible values:
·         null – is the default value. When a null value is specified, no product edition is configured, and Adaptive Server starts with a license for any edition.
·         EE – indicates the Enterprise edition.
·         SE – indicates the Small Business edition.
·         DE – indicates the Developer’s edition.
·         XE – indicates the Express edition.
“license type”
is a static configuration parameter that specifies the license type for the installation of Adaptive Server, and is valid only when you specify a non-null edition.
specifies the license type of a particular installation of Adaptive Server. You need not specify license type if you are using the Developer’s (DE) or Express (XE) edition. The valid, most typical values are:
·         SRST – server license with network seats
·         SVST – standby server license with network seats
·         SRCU – server license with concurrent user seats
·         SVCU – standby server license with concurrent user seats
·         SRIA – server license with Internet access license
·         SVIA – standby server license with Internet access license
·         CP – CPU license
·         SF – standby CPU license
·         null – default
smtp host, smtp host name
designates the SMTP host used to send E-mails for license event notifications.
smtp port, smtp port number
designates the SMTP port used to send Emails for license event notifications.
email sender, sender email address
specifies the E-mail address used as the senders address on license event E-mail notifications.
email recipients, email recipients
is a comma separated list of E-mail recipients who receive license event E-mail notifications.
email severity, email severity
is the minimum severity of an error that causes an E-mail notification to be sent. The default is error, and the other possibilities are warning and informational.


Example 1
Displays basic license configuration information for a system:
1> sp_lmconfig
2> go
 Parameter Name    Config Value
 ----------------- ------------
 edition           null
 license type      null
 smtp host         smtp
 email recipients  cshi
 email severity    ERROR
 smtp port         25
 email sender      cshi

License Name    Version    Quantity Status       Expiry Date
--------------- ---------- -------- ------------ --------------------
ASE_HA          null       0        not used     null
ASE_DTM         null       0        not used     null
ASE_JAVA        null       0        not used     null
ASE_ASM         null       0        not used     null
ASE_EJB         null       0        not used     null
ASE_EFTS        null       0        not used     null
ASE_DIRS        null       0        not used     null
ASE_XRAY        null       0        not used     null
ASE_MESSAGING   null       0        not used     null
ASE_ENCRYPTION  null       0        not used     null
ASE_CORE                   1        graced       Sep 11 2005  2:40AM
ASE_PARTITIONS             1        graced       Sep 11 2005  2:40AM

Property Name Property Value
------------- --------------
PE            null
LT            null
ME            null
MC            null
MS            null
MM            null
CP            null
AS            null

If you do not specify an edition or use “null,” Adaptive Server looks for and uses whatever license edition it finds when it starts.

You must be a System Administrator to execute sp_lmconfig.

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