
Thursday 27 March 2014

To get Rowcounts of Sybase ASE and ASA databases..

You can use the following Queries to get rowcounts for all the tables in Sybase.

for ASE:

This is a generic T-SQL script that would select all the tables and then does a row count of all tables in a Sybase ASE Database.

versions < 15.x

select o.name, rowcnt (i.doampg)
from sysobjects o, sysindexes i
where o.type = 'U'
and i.id = o.id
and i.indid < 2 

versions 15.x

select name, rowcnt(sysindexes.doampg)
from sysindexes
where name in
(select name from sysobjects where type = "U")
order by name

This is a generic T-SQL script that would select all the tables and then does a row count of all tables in a Sybase ASA Database.

for ASA:

select table_name, count
from systable
where primary_root<>0 and creator=1
order by 1


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