
Friday 8 November 2013

How to check Sybase Replication Queue sizes!!

Space monitoring or Space used in repserver queues is administered in a similar way
to ASE transaction logs, But all the completed transactions will be removed automatically from stable queues. We can also find the latency or Replication performance based on the Queues size. rs_ticket is the best way to find/analyze latency but knowing the queue size also important in replication system for quick understandings.

Replication stable device – Use “admin disk_space” to monitor all stable devices.

admin disk_space
Displays use of each disk partition accessed by the Replication Server.

isql –U<user> -S<RepSrv> -P<pwd>
admin disk_space



Total Segs

Used Segs













Total Segs -  Total number of 1MB segments on a partition.

 We can also query the RepServer's RSSD to get full info:

select 'ASE/DB'=convert(char(40),d.dsname+'.'+d.dbname), 'Q_Type'=case q_type when 0 then 'OBQ' else 'IBQ' end, 'Size_Mb'=count(used_flag)
from rs_segments s, rs_databases d
where used_flag = 1
and s.q_number = d.dbid
group by d.dsname+'.'+d.dbname, q_type, used_flag


select 'ASE/DB'=convert(char(40),name), 'Q_Type'='RSI', 'Size_Mb'=count(used_flag)
from rs_segments s, rs_sites t
where used_flag = 1
and s.q_number = t.id
group by name, q_type, used_flag
order by 'DB/Site', Q_Type

ASE/DB                                Q_Type   Size_Mb    
-------                               ------   -----------
ASE1.bobj                                OBQ              1
ASE1.livedr                              OBQ              1
ASE1.rssd_drp                            IBQ              1
ASE1.rssd_drp                            OBQ              1

We can also try using admin who, sqm to find the queue size.
1> admin who, sqm
2> go
 Spid State                Info                                     Duplicates  Writes      Reads       Bytes       B Writes    B Filled    B Reads     B Cache     Save_Int:Seg
         First Seg.Block                 Last Seg.Block                  Next Read                       Readers     Truncs
 ---- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------
         ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------- -----------
   48 Awaiting Message     133:0 ASE.user_store                             0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0 0:0
        0.1                             0.0                             0.1.0                                     0           1
   47 Awaiting Message     120:0 UTF_ASE.Bnk                                6    28140377     3305582 -1620639873      623325      386004       71758       71006 0:52468
         52468.1                         52468.1                         52468.2.0                                 1          
11 Awaiting Message 105:1 FSSOLTP.TMW 1662 41058993 43665390 -1496848285 7224036 6684446 7928857 6162835 0:196052 196052.16 196052.25 196052.26.0 1 1
The last segment and block values move as new data stored in the queue. First, the block advances until the segment is full (at block # 64); then, a new segment is assigned, and this segment may get the next segment number or not.

The first segment and block contain the oldest data to be handled by RepServer. It is a concept similar to the truncation point in ASE's syslogs. As data are used, oldest blocks and segments are no longer needed and the first segment-block marker advances.

The bold shown a queue with 10 blocks used (from 196052.16 to 196052.25).

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