
Tuesday 7 July 2020

Locks!! Table Level Locks!! How to Analyze and Optimize ??

Sybase/SAP ASE Locking

Most of Sybase databases are designed for either OLTP or mixed workloads and especially for multi-user, multi-transactions at any point of time. Adaptive Server protects the tables, data pages, or data rows currently used by active transactions by locking them for integrity and consistency of Data. Locking is a concurrency control mechanism: it ensures the consistency of data within and across transactions. Locking is needed in a multiuser environment, since several users may be working with the same data at the same time.

Locking affects performance when one process holds locks that prevent another process from accessing needed data. The process that is blocked by the lock sleeps until the lock is released. 

This is called lock contention. BTW, Locking is handled automatically by Adaptive Server, with options that can be set at the session and query level by the user. 

Based on the data and rows/pages being processed the locking granularity changes. By locking at higher levels of granularity, the amount of work required to obtain and manage locks is reduced. If a query needs to read or update many rows in a table:
  • It can acquire just one table-level lock
  • It can acquire a lock for each page that contained one of the required rows
  • It can acquire a lock on each row

Less overall work is required to use a table-level lock, but large-scale locks can degrade performance and availability of data to other concurrent processes, by making other users wait until locks are released. Decreasing the lock size makes more of the data accessible to other users. However, finer granularity locks can also degrade performance, since more work is necessary to maintain and coordinate the increased number of locks. To achieve optimum performance, a locking scheme must balance the needs of concurrency and overhead, entirely depends on the work-load or transactions type.

Adaptive Server provides these locking schemes:
  • Allpages locking, which locks both datapages and index pages
  • Datapages locking, which locks only the data pages
  • Datarows locking, which locks only the data rows
For each locking scheme, Adaptive Server can choose to lock the entire table for queries that acquire many page or row locks, or can lock only the affected pages or rows.

Adaptive Server has two levels of locking:
·       For tables that use allpages locking or datapages locking, either page locks or table locks.
·       For tables that use datarows locking, either row locks or table locks

Page or row locks are less restrictive (or smaller) than table locks. A page lock locks all the rows on data page or an index page; a table lock locks an entire table. A row lock locks only a single row on a page. Adaptive Server uses page or row locks whenever possible to reduce contention and to improve concurrency.

Every row or page in a table is also protected with a lock. These locks only come in two flavours:
·       share
·       exclusive

Many transactions can hold a share lock concurrently, but only one transaction can hold an exclusive lock.

Adaptive Server uses a table lock to provide more efficient locking when an entire table or a large number of pages or rows will be accessed by a statement. Locking strategy is directly tied to the query plan, so the query plan can be as important for its locking strategies as for its I/O implications.
The following describes the types of table locks.

·       Intent lock
An intent lock indicates that page-level or row-level locks are currently held on a table. Adaptive Server applies an intent table lock with each shared or exclusive page or row lock, so an intent lock can be either an exclusive lock or a shared lock. Setting an intent lock prevents other transactions from subsequently acquiring conflicting table-level locks on the table that contains that locked page. An intent lock is held as long as page or row locks are in effect for the transaction.

·       Shared lock
This lock is similar to a shared page or lock, except that it affects the entire table. For example, Adaptive Server applies a shared table lock for a select command with a holdlock clause if the command does not use an index. A create nonclustered index command also acquires a shared table lock.

·       Exclusive lock
This lock is similar to an exclusive page or row lock, except it affects the entire table. For example, Adaptive Server applies an exclusive table lock during a create clustered index command. update and delete statements require exclusive table locks if their search arguments do not reference indexed columns of the object.

How to Analyze and Optimize?

Use sp_object_stats or sp_sysmon to determine the overall server level lock contention, and then use it to tune to reduce lock contention of the system. We also need to monitor these reports whenever resources changed or locking configuration changed for the Server.

Viewing current locks on the Server

To get a report on the locks currently being held on Adaptive Server, use sp_lock:

fid spid loid locktype         table_id   page  row dbname   context
--- ---- ---- ---------------- ---------- ----- --- -------- ----------------
  0  15   30  Ex_intent         208003772     0   0 sales    Fam dur
  0  15   30  Ex_page           208003772  2400   0 sales    Fam dur, Ind pg
  0  15   30  Ex_page           208003772  2404   0 sales    Fam dur, Ind pg
  0  15   30  Ex_page-blk       208003772   946   0 sales    Fam dur
  0  30   60  Ex_intent         208003772     0   0 sales    Fam dur
  0  30   60  Ex_page           208003772   997   0 sales    Fam dur
  0  30   60  Ex_page           208003772  2405   0 sales    Fam dur, Ind pg
  0  30   60  Ex_page           208003772  2406   0 sales    Fam dur, Ind pg
  0  35   70  Sh_intent          16003088     0   0 sales    Fam dur
  0  35   70  Sh_page            16003088  1096   0 sales    Fam dur, Inf key
  0  35   70  Sh_page            16003088  3102   0 sales    Fam dur, Range
  0  35   70  Sh_page            16003088  3604   0 sales    Fam dur, Range
  0  49   98  Sh_intent         464004684     0   0 master   Fam dur
  0  50  100  Ex_intent         176003658     0   0 stock    Fam dur
  0  50  100  Ex_row            176003658 36773   8 stock    Fam dur
  0  50  100  Ex_intent         208003772     0   0 stock    Fam dur
  0  50  100  Ex_row            208003772 70483   1 stock    Fam dur
  0  50  100  Ex_row            208003772 70483   2 stock    Fam dur
  0  50  100  Ex_row            208003772 70483   9 stock    Fam dur
32  13   64  Sh_page           240003886 17264   0 stock
32  16   64  Sh_page           240003886  4376   0 stock
32  19   64  Sh_page           240003886 22367   0 stock
32  32   64  Sh_intent          16003088     0   0 stock    Fam dur
32  32   64  Sh_intent          48003202     0   0 stock    Fam dur
32  32   64  Sh_intent         240003886     0   0 stock    Fam dur

This example shows the lock status of serial processes and two parallel processes:

·       spid 15 hold an exclusive intent lock on a table, one data page lock, and two index page locks. A “blk” suffix indicates that this process is blocking another process that needs to acquire a lock; spid 15 is blocking another process. As soon as the blocking process completes, the other processes move forward.

·       spid 30 holds an exclusive intent lock on a table, one lock on a data page, and two locks on index pages.

·       spid 35 is performing a range query at isolation level 3. It holds range locks on several pages and an infinity key lock.

·       spid 49 is the task that ran sp_lock; it holds a shared intent lock on the spt_values table in master while it runs.

·       spid 50 holds intent locks on two tables, and several row locks.

·       fid 32 shows several spids holding locks: the parent process (spid 32) holds shared intent locks on 7 tables, while the worker processes hold shared page locks on one of the tables.

The lock type column indicates not only whether the lock is a shared lock (“Sh” prefix), an exclusive lock (“Ex” prefix), or an “Update” lock, but also whether it is held on a table (“table” or “intent”) or on a “page” or “row.”

A “demand” suffix indicates that the process will acquire an exclusive lock as soon as all current shared locks are released. 

sp_familylock displays the locks held by a family. This examples shows that the coordinating process (fid 51, spid 51) holds a shared intent lock on each of four tables and a worker process holds a shared page lock:

sp_familylock 51

fid spid loid locktype         table_id   page  row dbname   context
--- ---- ---- ---------------- ---------- ----- --- -------- ----------------
51  23  102  Sh_page           208003772   945   0 sales
51  51  102  Sh_intent          16003088     0   0 sales    Fam dur
51  51  102  Sh_intent          48003202     0   0 sales    Fam dur
51  51  102  Sh_intent         176003658     0   0 sales    Fam dur
51  51  102  Sh_intent         208003772     0   0 sales    Fam dur

You can also specify two IDs for sp_familylock. ( sp_familylock 23 also gives the above set)

Getting information about blocked processes

sp_who reports on system processes. If a user’s command is being blocked by locks held by another task or worker process, the status column shows “lock sleep” to indicate that this task or worker process is waiting for an existing lock to be released.
The blk_spid or block_xloid column shows the process ID of the task or transaction holding the lock or locks.
You can add a user name parameter to get sp_who information about a particular Adaptive Server user. If you do not provide a user name, sp_who reports on all processes in Adaptive Server. 

Some options to improve locks performance: 

These locking guidelines can help reduce lock contention and speed performance:

·       Use the lowest level of locking required by each application. Use isolation level 2 or 3 only when necessary.
Updates by other transactions may be delayed until a transaction using isolation level 3 releases any of its shared locks at the end of the transaction.
Use isolation level 3 only when nonrepeatable reads or phantoms may interfere with your desired results.
If only a few queries require level 3, use the holdlock keyword or at isolation serializing clause in those queries instead of using set transaction isolation level 3 for the entire transaction.
If most queries in the transaction require level 3, use set transaction isolation level 3, but use noholdlock or at isolation read committed in the remaining queries that can execute at isolation level 1.
·       If you need to perform mass inserts, updates, or deletes on active tables, you can reduce blocking by performing the operation inside a stored procedure using a cursor, with frequent commits.
·       If your application needs to return a row, provide for user interaction, and then update the row, consider using timestamps and the tsequal function rather than holdlock.
·       If you are using third-party software, check the locking model in applications carefully for concurrency problems.

Also, other tuning efforts can help reduce lock contention. For example, if a process holds locks on a page, and must perform a physical I/O to read an additional page, it holds the lock much longer than it would have if the additional page had already been in cache.

Better cache utilization or using large I/O can reduce lock contention in this case. Other tuning efforts that can pay off in reduced lock contention are improved indexing and good distribution of physical I/O across disks.

To help reduce lock contention between update and select queries:

·       Use datarows or datapages locking for tables with lock contention due to updates and selects.
·       If tables have more than 32 columns, make the first 32 columns the columns that are most frequently used as search arguments and in other query clauses.
·       Select only needed columns. Avoid using select * when all columns are not needed by the application.
·       Use any available predicates for select queries. When a table uses datapages locking, the information about updated columns is kept for the entire page, so that if a transaction updates some columns in one row, and other columns in another row on the same page, any select query that needs to access that page must avoid using any of the updated columns.

Finally, an Index scan/seek reduces table accessing time or locking period so always check for table scans in Query plans especially for Queries with joins.

PostgreSQL deets for Tyros (specially for Sybase and MSSQL DBAs :))

Most of us love Elephant as it also resembles lord Ganesha (In Japan Lord Kangiten), believed to be the First GOD to be offered Pujas/Prayers. Fortunately for DBAs with its scale/size the Elephant became favorite one and for PostgreSQL community the LOGO :)

PostgreSQL, commonly pronounced “Post-GRES,” is an open source database, successor of Ingres (PostGres originally developed in 1986 as a follow-up to INGRES which was begun in the early 1970s), whereas Sybase started its development in 1984.

POSTGRES was the brainchild of Michael Stonebraker, a computer science professor at Berkeley. In 1994, added support for SQL and the name PostgreSQL came about, is now one of the top 5 leading Database products. The portability and flexibility of PostgreSQL supports both non-relational and relational data types, makes it one of the most compliant, stable, and mature relational databases available today.

Today, PostgreSQL continues to evolve, maintained by a worldwide team that is passionate about regularly improving this free and open source database project as databases are a key component of various applications including websites, portals and are at the core of how data is stored, maintained and accessed across the internet. Being an open source database and can scale upto 32TB PostgreSQL is one of the best choices to choose from.

A Quick tour to understand the landscape of the PostgreSQL database:

PostgreSQL Architecture - PostgreSQL consists of shared memory, background processes and data files.

Shared Memory

Shared Memory refers to the memory reserved for database caching and transaction log caching. The main components in shared memory are Shared Buffer and WAL buffers.

1.   Shared Buffer

It is like the data cache of Sybase. It optimizes :

·         Access very large (tens, hundreds of gigabytes) buffers quickly.

·         Minimize contention when many users access it at the same time.

·         Frequently used blocks must be in the buffer for as long as possible

2.   WAL Buffer

It is like the Sybase transaction log and to temporarily store changes to the database. WAL buffer contents are written to the WAL file at a predetermined point in time. WAL buffers and WAL files are very important for recovery.


PostgreSQL has four process types.

1.   Postmaster Process

It’s like a dataserver component of Sybase.

The Postmaster process is the main process started when we start the PostgreSQL. It performs recovery, initialize shared memory, and run background processes. It also creates a backend process when there is a connection request from the client process.

2.   Background Process

The main background processes of PostgreSQL are cited.



1.         logger

Write the error message to the log file.

2.         checkpointer

When a checkpoint occurs, the dirty buffer is written to the file.

3.         writer

Periodically writes the dirty buffer to a file.

4.         wal writer

Write the WAL buffer to the WAL file.

5.         Autovacuum launcher

Fork autovacuum worker when autovacuum is enabled.It is the responsibility of the autovacuum daemon to carry vacuum operations on bloated tables on demand

6.         archiver

When in Archive.log mode, copy the WAL file to the specified directory.

7.         stats collector

DBMS usage statistics such as session execution information ( pg_stat_activity ) and table usage statistical information ( pg_stat_all_tables ) are collected.

    3.   Backend Process

 It’s like number of user sessions in Sybase.

  • The maximum number is set by the max_connections parameter, and the default value is 100.
  • Some memory structures are required for query execution, which is called local memory. The main parameters associated with local memory are:
  • work_mem Space used for sorting, bitmap operations, hash joins, and merge joins. The default setting is 4 MB.
  • Maintenance_work_mem Space used for Vacuum and CREATE INDEX . The default setting is 64 MB.
  • Temp_buffers Space used for temporary tables. The default setting is 8 MB.

4.   Client Process

Client Process refers to the background process that is assigned for every backend user connection. Usually the postmaster process will fork a child process that is dedicated to serve a user connection.

Data Files/Items for the Database/Instance

1.    The pg_default and pg_global tablespaces are created immediately after initdb().

2.    If We do not specify a tablespace at the time of table creation, it is stored in the pg_dafault tablespace.

3.    Tables managed at the database cluster level are stored in the pg_global tablespace.

4.    The physical location of the pg_default tablespace is $PGDATA\base.

5.    The physical location of the pg_global tablespace is $PGDATA\global.

6.    One tablespace can be used by multiple databases. At this time, a database-specific subdirectory is created in the table space directory.

7.    Creating a user tablespace creates a symbolic link to the user tablespace in the $PGDATA\tblspc directory.

The DataFiles per table (There are 3 files)

·         One is a file for storing table data. The file name is the OID of the table.
·         One is a file to manage table free space. The file name is OID_fsm .
·         One is a file for managing the visibility of the table block. The file name is OID_vm .
·         The index does not have a _vm file. That is, OID and OID_fsm are composed of two files.

Ø     How to check whether PostgreSQL is installed, running or not?

PostgreSQL is supported on three major platforms. To connect using psql we will first need to locate its location on the operating system that we might be using:

1.    Linux

                         [root@localhost]# which psql


2.   Windows:

On Windows, we can find psql in the Program Files, and we should be able to launch it in a command prompt simply by clicking on it.

3.   Mac:

On a Mac we should be able to locate psql under the Applications > PostgreSQL (version number) > SQL Shell (psql). 

psql -V                                     -           To check PostgreSQL is installed or not

systemctl status postgresql     –          to find the status of postgresql server


Ø          How to connect to PostgreSQL?

The basic parameters to connect to postgres database on any of the platforms are as follows:

Server [localhost]: IPADDRESS of the Host

This is the address for the server. We can use an IP address or the hostname of the machine on which database server is running. If we do not give any value, by default it is localhost.

Database [postgres]: Similar to Master database in Sybase/MSSQL

The name of the database with which we want to connect. The default name of the database is the same as that of the user. (If we are using Advanced Server, the default name would be edb.)


Port [5432]: By default the postgres post is always 5432. Similar to 5000 for Sybase

Username [postgres]: The default username is postgres. Similar to sa for Sybase


On a Mac or Windows, we are able to connect to the default instance by simply hitting enter at the shell or command prompt when trying to run psql and keying in the password.

On Linux, we will explicitly need to pass these parameters at the shell:

psql -d postgres -U postgres 

(similar to isql and additional optional parameters can be added)


Ø        Top 10 commands to understand the environment:   (-- Sybase equivalent command)

1)   Finding the version of the PostgreSQL                -- select @@version

SELECT version();    


2)   Finding the configuration:                       -- sp_configure

SELECT * from pg_settings;


The view pg_settings provides access to run-time parameters of the server. It is essentially an alternative interface to the SHOW and SET commands. It also provides access to some facts about each parameter that are not directly available from SHOW, such as minimum and maximum values.


3)  Finding the databases list and sizes:                    -- sp_helpdb

SELECT pg_database.datname as "dbname", pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)/1024/1024 AS “db_size_in_mb”

FROM pg_database ORDER by 1;


4)  Finding what is currently running:                     -- sp_who and kill

-- show all the processes currently running and active

SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query

FROM pg_stat_activity

WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%'

ORDER BY query_start desc;


-- kill a running query which is running long or hung

SELECT pg_cancel_backend(procpid);


-- kill an idle process

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid);


-- Identify the resource contention using wait events

SELECT pid, wait_event_type, wait_event FROM pg_stat_activity

WHERE wait_event is NOT NULL;                            


5)   Finding sizes of the tables largest first :              


  nspname || '.' || relname AS "Table",

  pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "size"

FROM pg_class C

LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)

WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')

ORDER BY 2 DESC limit 10;


select indexrelname as “Index”, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(relid))

from pg_stat_user_indexes where schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') order by 2 desc limit 10;


6)   Finding statistics of the tables:                 --

SELECT relname AS TableName ,n_live_tup AS LiveTuples ,n_dead_tup AS DeadTuples,

(n_live_tup- n_dead_tup) * 100 / n_live_tup AS “Bloat %”

FROM pg_stat_user_tables;;


7)  Update statistics and ReORg data of the tables:              --

VACUUM [ FULL ] [ FREEZE ] [ VERBOSE ] [ table ]


VACUUM reclaims storage occupied by dead tuples. In normal PostgreSQL operation, records/ rows that are deleted or obsoleted by an update are not physically removed from their table; they remain until a VACUUM is done. Therefore it's necessary to do VACUUM periodically, especially on frequently-updated tables.


With no parameter, VACUUM processes every table in the current database that the current user has permission to vacuum. With a parameter, VACUUM processes only that table.


VACUUM ANALYZE performs a VACUUM and then an ANALYZE for each selected table. This is a handy combination form for routine maintenance scripts.


8)  View important parameter files:              --  select * from sysconfigures

select * from pg_file_settings;

show all;

show config_file;

show hba_file;

show ident_file;


To Modify a parameter value, such as the parameter work_mem (similar to sp_configure)

alter system set work_mem=’8MB’;


9)   Dump database and Restore Databases

PostgreSQL provides 2 kinds of backup tools i.e. pg_dump and pg_basebackup


pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. It makes consistent backups even if the database is being used concurrently. pg_dump does not block other users accessing the database (readers or writers).

Dumps can be output in script or archive file formats. Script dumps are plain-text files containing the SQL commands required to reconstruct the database to the state it was in at the time it was saved. To restore from such a script, feed it to psql. Script files can be used to reconstruct the database even on other machines and other architectures; with some modifications, even on other SQL database products.

The alternative archive file formats must be used with pg_restore to rebuild the database. They allow pg_restore to be selective about what is restored, or even to reorder the items prior to being restored. The archive file formats are designed to be portable across architectures.

When used with one of the archive file formats and combined with pg_restore, pg_dump provides a flexible archival and transfer mechanism. pg_dump can be used to backup an entire database, then pg_restore can be used to examine the archive and/or select which parts of the database are to be restored. The most flexible output file format is the "custom" format (-Fc). It allows for selection and reordering of all archived items, and is compressed by default.

Some important option of pg_dump

-F - format --format=format

Selects the format of the output. format can be one of the following:


p - plain

Output a plain-text SQL script file (the default).


c - custom

Output a custom-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore. Together with the directory output format, this is the most flexible output format in that it allows manual selection and reordering of archived items during restore. This format is also compressed by default.


d - directory

Output a directory-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore. This will create a directory with one file for each table and blob being dumped, plus a so-called Table of Contents file describing the dumped objects in a machine-readable format that pg_restore can read. A directory format archive can be manipulated with standard Unix tools; for example, files in an uncompressed archive can be compressed with the gzip tool. This format is compressed by default.


t - tar

Output a tar-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore. The tar format is compatible with the directory format: extracting a tar-format archive produces a valid directory-format archive. However, the tar format does not support compression. Also, when using tar format the relative order of table data items cannot be changed during restore.


Various options to dump the database and refresh accordingly:

To dump a database called mydb into a SQL-script file:

$ pg_dump mydb > db.sql


To reload such a script into a new database named newdb:

$ psql -d newdb -f db.sql


To dump a database into a custom-format archive file:

$ pg_dump -Fc mydb > db.dump


To dump a database into a directory-format archive:

$ pg_dump -Fd mydb -f dumpdir


To reload an archive file into a new database named newdb:

$ pg_restore -d newdb db.dump


To dump a single table named mytab:

$ pg_dump -t mytab mydb > db.sql


To dump all tables whose names start with emp in the detroit schema, except for the table named employee_log:

$ pg_dump -t 'detroit.emp*' -T detroit.employee_log mydb > db.sql


To dump all schemas whose names start with east or west and end in gsm, excluding any schemas whose names contain the word test:

$ pg_dump -n 'east*gsm' -n 'west*gsm' -N '*test*' mydb > db.sql


The same, using regular expression notation to consolidate the switches:

$ pg_dump -n '(east|west)*gsm' -N '*test*' mydb > db.sql


To dump all database objects except for tables whose names begin with ts_:

$ pg_dump -T 'ts_*' mydb > db.sql


To specify an upper-case or mixed-case name in -t and related switches, you need to double-quote the name; else it will be folded to lower case (see Patterns). But double quotes are special to the shell, so in turn they must be quoted. Thus, to dump a single table with a mixed-case name, you need something like

$ pg_dump -t '"MixedCaseName"' mydb > mytab.sql



pg_basebackup is used to take base backups of a running PostgreSQL database cluster. These are taken without affecting other clients to the database, and can be used both for point-in-time recovery and as the starting point for a log shipping or streaming replication standby servers.

pg_basebackup makes a binary copy of the database cluster files, while making sure the system is put in and out of backup mode automatically. Backups are always taken of the entire database cluster; it is not possible to back up individual databases or database objects.

For individual database backups, a tool such as pg_dump must be used.

To create a base backup of the server at mydbserver and store it in the local directory /usr/local/pgsql/data:

$ pg_basebackup -h mydbserver -D /usr/local/pgsql/data


To create a backup of the local server with one compressed tar file for each tablespace, and store it in the directory backup, showing a progress report while running:

$ pg_basebackup -D backup -Ft -z -P


To create a backup of a single-tablespace local database and compress this with bzip2:

$ pg_basebackup -D - -Ft -X fetch | bzip2 > backup.tar.bz2


               We can restore pg_basebackup backup for the below two scenarios:

ü  Restore in the same directory structure of the backup database.

ü  Restore in the different directory structures of the backup database.


10)  Some important system functions - Session Information Functions


Return Type




name of current database (called "catalog" in the SQL standard)



name of current database



text of the currently executing query, as submitted by the client (might contain more than one statement)



equivalent to current_user



name of current schema



names of schemas in search path, optionally including implicit schemas



user name of current execution context



address of the remote connection



port of the remote connection



address of the local connection



port of the local connection



Process ID of the server process attached to the current session



configuration load time


setof text

channel names that the session is currently listening on



OID of session's temporary schema, or 0 if none



server start time



current nesting level of PostgreSQL triggers (0 if not called, directly or indirectly, from inside a trigger)



session user name



equivalent to current_user



PostgreSQL version information


* Thanks much for the PostgreSQL community and bloggers!